Development of a common vision 2025 and derivation of action fields for implementation

The "Future of Work"
Digitalization and Industrie 4.0 impact not only production, but most importantly, the way we will work in the future. When formulating Work 4.0 in regard to content, Miele was primarily concerned with the interaction of different areas such as competences, work flexibility, society, data protection, collaboration models and technology. In the scenario project Work 4.0, Miele profited from the methods and content related impulses that were provided by UNITY’s foresight and digitalization experts. Together, the drivers of transformation were successfully identified, thereby reducing the complexity of this strategic issue. Alternative future possibilities were subsequently worked out for these drivers and established ways of thinking were critically questioned. Building upon that, three consistent future environment scenarios were created. These served as an anchor for further strategic shaping and communication. Based on internal factors specific to Miele, such as organizational structure, corporate culture and leadership, five business scenarios were then created. These scenarios contributed to defining the concept of Work 4.0. The project team developed a common vision across varying functions and areas for the year 2025 and aligned different management perspectives. The course for Work 4.0 has now been set through nine strategic action areas and specific measures.
Digitally networked, locally rooted
Developed Culture, Leadership, Competences
Created an Action Plan for Work 4.0
“In five fascinating workshops, we were successful in developing a vision for Work 4.0 in 2025. Based upon this, specific action areas and work packets were developed. We profited from the extensive experience of UNITY´s consultants in the area of scenario development.”

Andreas Nolte
Director Human Resources
Your Contacts

Katharina Pierschalik
Partnerin, Business Area Lead

Dennis R. Schmidt
Partner, Senior Teamleiter