We live and experience our values!

Diversity at UNITY

Especially in the digital age, where interdisciplinary collaboration is more important than ever, a trust-based corporate culture is crucial for success. People are at the center of everything we do! With the ideas, talents, cultural experiences and passions of all employees, we create diversity -- and promote creativity and innovation! The exchange within our Diversity@UNITY group enables us to respond to individual backgrounds and promote personal development at every stage of life. Together, we create a working environment that is characterized by appreciation, openness, truth and clarity. These values give us orientation in all situations and promote our corporate culture -- the UNITY spirit! We are very pleased that the UNITY culture has also been recognized for its excellence by the independent research and consulting company Great Place to Work®: UNITY was recognized as one of “Germany's Best Employers.”

Diversity makes us successful!

Regardless of area and role, we give all our employees the creative freedom they need to develop forward-looking solutions together with our customers. Are you curious? In #UNITIESupclose, our employees provide both personal and professional insights!

Experience #UNITIESupclose 

Once a UNITY, always a UNITY! We are convinced that we can achieve more as a community. That's why we are so pleased that our employees want to stay closely connected with us even after their active UNITY time -- as part of our alumni network.

More about our Alumni Network

Moving forward together

Our employees are our strength. That is why we promote the personal development of each individual through appropriate training and continuing education programs at the UNITYacademy. In addition, they have a wide range of perspectives open to them -- whether through challenging projects, workation, foreign assignments or individual careers. We are proud of the fact that all UNITY managers have earned their role through their qualifications and outstanding commitment, motivated by the joy of success.

More about the UNITYacademy

Career and family life in harmony

Attitude alone is not enough -- that is why we live a culture that enables advancement and further development for every life model and at every stage of life. Whether family, further training or leisure time -- with flexibility and modern working conditions, we support all employees in combining their private and professional goals. With the Parenthood@UNITY group, we also create a confidential space for discussion and take into account all types, stages and issues of parenthood.

More about our employees

Dr. Verena Joachim, Teamleiterin
„Mein Leben ist bunt und meine Interessen sind es auch! Bei UNITY bekomme ich genau das in Balance: Ich gehe meinem Wunsch nach Verantwortung im Rahmen meiner Teamleiterrolle in Teilzeit nach und finde dabei Zeit für die Familie. Ich bringe im Projekt und über Veröffentlichungen zukunftsweisende Themen voran und gestalte gleichzeitig die organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen für andere Eltern in der Beratung. Und das Ganze mit tollen Menschen und in spannenden Themengebieten – für mich die perfekte Mischung!“

Your contacts

Katrin Heinermann

Senior Consultant

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Judith Pohlmeier

Head of Human Resources

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us